Italian America® is the most widely read magazine for people of Italian heritage in the United States. It is a quarterly magazine and the official publication of the Order Sons and Daughters of Italy in America® (OSDIA).
While most of the content is written in-house, we sometimes feature freelanced feature stories, one-page articles, and fiction. If you are a writer and have a story idea, please read on to see what we’re looking for and how to submit.
What Do We Want?
How to Query/Submit:
If you have a story you’d like to write/submit, send a query or a submission to Editor-in-Chief Andrew Cotto.
We purchase non-exclusive worldwide periodical publication and syndication rights in all languages and mediums for the story and digitals. The magazine shares all syndication/reprint fees with the author, who retains full rights to the story. Payment is made after author’s final approval of the edited article.
If you would like to see a sample story, click here.
We are proud to spotlight the many businesses who support our efforts, and many of these companies offer perks and discounts to our members!