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Italian America Magazine Freelance Guidelines

Who Are We?

Italian America® is the most widely read magazine for people of Italian heritage in the United States. It is a quarterly magazine and the official publication of the Order Sons and Daughters of Italy in America® (OSDIA).

While most of the content is written in-house, we sometimes feature freelanced feature stories, one-page articles, and fiction. If you are a writer and have a story idea, please read on to see what we’re looking for and how to submit.


What Do We Want?

  • Feature Stories that run from 900 – 1,500 words and are (preferably) accompanied by 3-5 digital photos.  We look for intriguing stories about Italian Americans that may involve such themes as history, travel, culture/heritage, achievements, contributions, and social issues.
  • One-Page Articles that run from 550 – 650 words and are (preferably) accompanied by 2-3 digital photos. The one-page article should be specifically geared toward one of the page themes. Please reference the page your article is suited for (and please take a look at a sample issue to get an understanding of the pages that regularly appear).
  • Fiction Stories that run from 550 – 650 words. The fiction is translated into Italian and appears on the magazine’s Pagina Italiana. The only requirement for fiction is that the story incorporates something Italian (setting, characters, plot, props, etc.). No excerpts, please.


How to Query/Submit:

If you have a story you’d like to write/submit, send a query or a submission to Editor-in-Chief Andrew Cotto.

We purchase non-exclusive worldwide periodical publication and syndication rights in all languages and mediums for the story and digitals. The magazine shares all syndication/reprint fees with the author, who retains full rights to the story. Payment is made after author’s final approval of the edited article.

If you would like to see a sample story, click here.


Business Directory

We are proud to spotlight the many businesses who support our efforts, and many of these companies offer perks and discounts to our members!

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